- 2 New Brazilian stadiums unreleased for PES
- 30 New faces of Brazil
- 10 New Tattoos
- New uniforms
- New pack of Minifaces
- Cast update 27 Players created
- Important fixes
- Previous updates included 'Just need to install BMPES 2.00'
- 314 Stadiums (All from Brasileirão, several from Liberadores and Europe)
- Many new faces of the Brasileirão
- 142 new players created with faces and placed in the free ones to hire in the Master League
- End of the curse of having turbocharged Classic Players appearing in the Master League and Stardom
- New coaches
- 4 new clubs added that have moved from Series C to B
- New Boot Pack
- New songs
- New crowd chants
- Updated Casts
- New Minifaces
- New Uniforms
- New Menus
- New Balls
- New Animations
- Corrections in relation to version 1.0
- Field command selector for some clubs with more than 1 stadium
- New Scores
- Patch Optimazado, does not weigh in the game unless you have a very weak pc.
- Official game updates included
- Does not work online in Myclub and other modes
Serie A, B and C clubs Brasilerao
All Leagues including European Clubs
All Updated Competition Cups
9 UNIFORM combinations (Update 2021)
HD Real Faces
New Menus
New Soundtracks
Stadium Pack
New Bootpack
Added new Entrance & Anthem Pack
Added new managers
And many more !
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