PES2012 最新公告:南俱杯的受权与AI的改善

时间:2011-04-29 来源:游侠网 浏览:

PES 2012 code spoken of before a press release and announcement? Yep!

Today on twitter Jon returned to the delight of many fans. While he was there, we were lucky enough to get two pieces of information. First of all, Jon said:

    Over the following days I’ll be talking about a new system to answer questions. Hold tight.

Then, came the tweet you can read in the header. New PES 2012 code is here. With a mention on improved AI. Interesting.

For me, more interesting is the fact the game hasn’t been formerly announced. A sign that news is around the corner?

Jon Murphy twitter Pro Evolution Soccer 2012

PES 2012将授权南美俱乐部杯(南俱杯)


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