PES2011 再度更新DLC,时间12月21日,圣诞礼物。。。

时间:2010-12-16 来源:完全实况论坛 浏览:
Konami今天宣布即将为《PES 2011》玩家发布一个免费的DLC升级包,同时对PS3版本进行一次相当大幅度的更新升级。



- 调整后卫AI,提高防守能力
- 调整射门,使之产生更加真实的反映,结果也更符合实时环境
- 调整颠球过人(Rainbow Flicks)的难度和成功率,改进可玩性
- 界外球掷出后可以立即传回
- 改进交叉传球等情况下的光标切换
- 重新制作大师联赛转会费的计算
- 电脑玩家上方的名字可以关掉
- 球迷欢呼声优化或改变
- 配置较低的PC玩家能在传奇模式中更容易找到匹配对手

Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH has revealed details of a free data update for PES 2011, which will be available from
December 21st.

The download will be available for PlayStation(R)3, Xbox 360 and PC-DVD users, and adds a number of new items to the game. Twelve kits have been updated within the game, including those of the Ireland national team and some French club teams.

Similarly, ten new licensed boots styles from manufacturers such as adidas, Puma, Umbro and Mizuno have been added.
Further free DLC will be released for PES 2011 during the coming year.

Boots screens:


加了些球队与加了些球鞋... 大家等等吧...


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