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FM2022 深色系Dark Polish简洁精美皮肤包v1.1

时间:2021-12-08 来源:11player.cc 浏览:
由国外网友制作的FM2022 深色系Dark Polish简洁精美主题风格皮肤包,这次更新的是v1.1。

Dark Polish Skin 22包含内容:
- consistent shades of gray
- ProximaNova font from older FMs
- improved background selector
- "Instant Result" button with post-match popup
- "Huge" database depth option
- player pictures and role suitability pies on tactic screen
- past meetings panel under tactic screen (visible on high-res)
- ribbon navigation in Preferences
- club profile overhaul (original by Pikawa)
- stadium picture option in club profiles (default one has dynamic colour)
- dynamic colours of sidebar, continue buttons and circle icons
- scoreboard with logos instead of ugly 6-letter names
- slightly modified player attributes section
- coloured backgrounds of social media club avatars
- removed pointless club logo from news item (staff photos are a bit larger now)
- removed bold and uppercase from headings
- new FM flags instead of old ones in language change menu
- fixed broken news feed pictures

- FM22 skin overlay has less transparency than FM21's, so bg selector works more like sidebar selector. I chose some competition themed backgrounds which may be of better use for this gimmick (at least if you're not using "icons-only" option). If you wish for plain sidebar, you can disable/enable its colour by choosing between first and last background in the selector.

- Since some people don't like them, I made replacement files for those who wish to get rid of the pies only, and keep the player photos. Go to: Dark Polish Skin 22\panels\tactics - and replace two "no pies" files with their counterparts.

Optional scoreboard with full team names is included as well. Find labeled file at: Dark Polish Skin 22\panels\match - and replace it with its counterpart.

2、将文件夹放到:我的文档\Sports Interactive \ Football Manager 2022 \ skins \下(没有的文件夹可自行新建)



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