核武器FMRTE更新了FMRTE v22.0.1.2版本,支持FM2022游戏版本Build 2版,支持beta。该版本是未激活版本。
Build 2内容:
An error when moving a preset up/down
Build 1内容:
Support for FM 22.0.1 BETA game version
Ability to customize preset buttons in team players list, presets can be added, removed or re-ordered in Preset Manager
Ability to create presets for competitions registrations (Domestic league, Libertadores Club World Cup)
Ability to create presets for: trained at current club and trained at current nation
Ability to customize presets that are visible in player / staff / gamer information page
Height and Weight filters to Players Advanced Search / Mass Edit
LoanManager and technicalDirector to Staff Advanced Search / Mass Edit
Ability to filter players/staff/clubs by relations
Ability to edit staff city of birth
Ability to edit players competitions bonuses
Ability to apply presets within Mass Edit
Ability to freeze player or staff Age
Ability to select which frozen attributes can increase
Ability to compare players (attributes / positions)
Known Issues - Features not working yet
Number of advised staff
Gamer options (such as, unsackable)
Clone players
Move players
Add/remove Nations treated as UE / non forgein
Supported Versions Steam/Epic Store
Supported Versions Xbox Edition
Supported BETA Versions
Football Manager 2022 - 22.0.1 (1611625)
2、如果依旧显示外文版可以点击右上方菜单中的 fmrte (下拉按钮),选择SETTING,在Language(语言)下拉菜单中选择简体中文,点击上方的Save Changes(保存改变)保存语言设置;
3、点击上方的载入游戏(Load Game)即可;
4. 核武有风险,可能会让你失去对游戏的兴趣请谨慎使用,此外也存在少量的坏档可能性,因此修改前请记得备份原存档。