-Improves the motion of animations in the game, making it smoother and slightly slower than the original version.
-Collisions between players are now more emphasized and dependent on strength (attribute) and size.
-Unlike the AI Mod, this Mod does not enhance AI decision-making, it only puts it within range of the AI’s decision mechanism
so that actions at the base level are made consistently.
-Players are now more likely to dive when pulled by the shirt or barged into by an opponent.
-Players are better at blocking shots and crosses.
-Goalkeepers have been improved. Their coverage of the goal has been increased and their reflexes slightly enhanced.
-Balance has more of an effect on players when running and doing other actions. Players are more likely to stumble when they
into other players or do sudden actions such as turns.
-The Injury Mod has been integrated into the main Mod, meaning that its effects are in this Mod. An addition made was increasing the
likelihood of injuries due to fatigue.
-The MAIN FEATURE of this Mod is improving the attacking and defensive positioning of the AI and User players on the pitch. Since this
is the Legendary version of the Mod, the effect is at its fullest.
+Defenders, Midfielders and Wingers position themselves better when defending and the two latter will track back more.
-Slight changes have been made to the refereeing system in the game to make referees softer, calling fouls more often (though this has not
been perfected and is still being worked on).
– THE OTHER MAIN FEATURE is the improvement of movements, making them slower and smooth. This increases the animations seen
in-game at times.
+Shots and passes have a higher likelihood of being misplaced as a result and the AI is usually prone to this.
2、使用FIFA Mod Manager工具将文件导入到游戏中即可。