由国外玩家IMs制作的FIFA23图形综合补丁,5月3日更新v4.06 Base。支持11号官方补丁。
- latest TU (04/25/2023)
-all graphic for WC 2022
- Napoli,Lazio,Atalanta... is real now (players names,logos,kits,banners,flags,scarves)
- KITS SEASON 2023 are improved
- overlays adboards (dynamic etc.) total 2022/23
- new scoreboards
- minifaces ( 2023 etc,latest GIGAmod )
- 584 3d faces are included (Brazil Seria A etc)
- logos(crests)
- authentic banners and ultras flags (all clubs and NT*)
- authentic scarves for all fans (all clubs and NT*)
- other graphic
Latest of.update FIFA 23 are included.
All of containers/parts of our mod are compatible with all mods FIFA 23!
*National teams
** players removed from FIFA 23 (due to the transition to clubs not represented in FIFA will be transferred to the IMs team by default)
2、使用FIFA Mod Manager工具将文件导入到游戏中即可。