
时间:2022-06-17 来源 浏览:


-Touches are similar regardless of position on the pitch. Default FIFA 20-22 has slower touches when in one’s own half and faster ones in the opponents. With the FIFA 22 changes made to gameplay(terrible ones), the game becomes super fast in the opponents half.
-Players have less of a grip over the ball. Simply put, the ball no longer sticks to the player.
-Sprinting and Accelerating is now exponential than linear. Players start slowly when running then reach peak speed after holding the sprint button for some time (It is slight but felt when observed).
-Balance has been revamped. The action done by the player has more of an effect on their balance.

-Significantly improved the overall positioning of the players in the game, both user and AI.
-Improved the AI defense so that it reacts quicker. AI tackling has not been edited. This would remove the slide tackles it makes.
-Likelihood of injuries, especially after brutal tackles and clashes, has been increased.
-Removed default FIFA’s favouritism when it comes to injuries. All players are now equally prone to injuries. Previously, lower rated players would be more vulnerable.
-Reduced sprint speed by 60%.
-Reduced the speed of passes by 20%.
-Reduced sprint speed by more in version v4 of the mod. Found in the download file.

2、使用FIFA Mod Manager工具将文件导入到游戏中即可。


更多相关内容请访问:《FIFA 22》专栏

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