**Realism Mod**
FIFER (did the vast majority of work)
gnklein92 (helped a ton with various things, such as greating excel spreadsheets, helping with algorithms files, etc)
dapple (helped add a couple tournaments to the compdata, along with immense compdata work on the new national teams)
rosevelt (made some of the startup/splashscreen graphics)
Aranaktu (made the base avatar files that were heavily edited)
Lice23 (generally helped with some of the algorithms for FIFA 19, which were somewhat (very little) ported over to FIFA 20)
**Squad File**
FIFER (did a ton of squad file work like helping with realistic ratings, real brazillian league, new national teams, new cl/el teams, added wonderkids, bug fixes, etc)
gnklein92 (helped an incredible amount with squad file work like doing a lot for the realistic ratings, real brazillian league, bug fixes, etc)|
dapple (helped a ton with the squad file in regards to adding new national teams)
Sparring DK (made all the real stadium names)
Lucca211 (made some of the minifaces and helped a lot with the Brazillian database)
**Full Euros 2020 Mod**
FIFER (did some work on the compdata, as well as importing, funding and organizing)
dapple (helped add a couple tournaments to the compdata, along with immense compdata work on the full euros)
FIFER (Organising and compiling of the graphics, as well as "making" the real league and team logos)
gnklein92 (Helped import and organsize a lot of graphics, as well as create a few, and helped with the hotspots)
Riesscar (Made a lot of the kits and balls)
Bromley (Made a few of the kits, banners, and adboards)
Diego Fallas (Made a few of the kits)
DjonatanJG (Made a large number of the kits)
ncrodelle (helped with some of the kit hotspots)
DarkerB (Made a few kits)
T.C (made a lot of the banners)
Pedro10do7 (made a lot of the banners and trophies)
rosevelt (made a few adboards and other graphics)
XulDDJ²² (made a lot of the kits, tournament texture, adboards and misc stuff)
Alex Lexa http://iturbe67.wixsite.com/ (made lots of the banners and minifaces)
https://www.imstudiomods.com/ (lots of the banners and minifaces)
AC Mods (made lots of the minifaces)
DarthVindictus (helped with some flags and banners)
jlastur (made a trophy)
**Face Updates**
FCB17 (made a lot of the face updates)
Wichanwoo (made a lot of the face updates)
Mamareza (made a lot of the face updates)
Amiriowski (made a lot of the face updates)
DeuceSF (made a lot of the face updates)
AL7 Mods (made a few of the face updates)
Afwan (made a few of the face updates)
Callumd (made a few of the face updates)
Jonathan Face Maker (made a few of the face updates)
RigsDigs (made one of the face updates)
APasz (made a lot of the face updates)
Emre Kaya (made a couple of the face updates)
FIFALine (made a lot of the face updates)
GENIST (made a few of the face updates)
MS (made one face update)
RedDevils (made a few of the face updates)
84Scarlett (made a few of the face updates)
FIFER (importing, funding, and organizing, plus making a few face fixes)
**New Face:**
FCB17 (made a lot of the new faces)
Joebro (made a lot of the new faces)
Wichanwoo (made a lot of the new faces)
DeuceSF (made a few of the faces)
KST FIFA (made a lot of the new faces)
Jonathan Face Maker (made a few of the new faces)
Mamareza (made a few of the new faces)
Amiriowski (made a few of the new faces)
BAR10 (made a few of the new faces)
Callumd (made a few of the new faces)
AL7 Mods (made a few of the new faces)
Alief (made a lot of the new faces)
APasz (made a few of the new faces)
Bayonetta (made a couple of the new faces)
Bromley (made a couple of the new faces)
Emre Kaya (made a lot of the new faces)
EricsonPatch (made a lot of the new faces
Fabio Viana (made a few of the new faces)
FIFALine (made one of the new faecs)
Furkan6141 (made one of the new faces)
KepaRik (made lots of the new faces)
Serhat B (made lots of the new faces)
TomEllipsis (made lots of the new faces)
SGT Kim (made one new face)
yakarsu (made a lot of the new faces)
EhabNegm (made a few faces)
FIFER (importing, funding, and organizing)
**Gameplay Mod**
DoctorPlus (gave a tiny peice of advice)
**Manager Faces**
DeuceSF (made lots of manager faces)
KepaRik (made lots of manager faces)
Serhat B (made a few manager faces)
Emre Kaya (made a few manager faces)
Fabio Viana (made one manager face)
Wichanwoo (made one manager face update)
FIFER (importing, organizing and funding)
**Boots and Gloves Mod**
AdioszPL (made most of the boots and all the gloves)
Pedro10do7 (made a couple of the boots)
Riesscar (made a few of the boots)
XulDDJ²² (made a few of the boots)
FIFER (importing, organizing and funding)
**Cameras Mod**
6ons1 (did lots of work on the cameras)
Adri1312 (did lots of wrok on the cameras)
**New Menu Mod**
FIFER (did all the work on the new menus)
Dan Arts (made a few graphics for the menus)
rosevelt (made a few graphics for the menus)
**Referee Faces*
Serhat B (made all the referee faces)
FIFER (importing, funding, and organizing)
**Regen Faces Addon**
Chilled Moose (made all the regen faces)
FIFER (imported most of the regen faces)
gnklein92 (imported some of the regen faces, and helped match a few)
friv3004 (helped match some of the regen faces)
BetaFreeze (helped match some of the regen faces)
!Light101 (helped match some of the regen faces)
To?????™ (helped match some of the regen faces)
OfficerLucas (helped match some of the regen faces)
Milly (helped match some of the regen faces)
Junior (helped match some of the regen faces)
**Tattoos Addon**
Mamareza (made a lot of the tattoos)
Amiriowski (made a lot of the tattoos)
Emre Kaya (made a few tattos)
Wichanwoo (made a few tattos)
AdioszPL (made a few tattos)
FIFER (importing, funding, and organizing)
**Turfs Mod**
6ons1 (made the turfs mod)
FIFER (basic help with LUT files)
**No Crowd Mod**
FIFER (did all the work)
**Fantasy Kits**
XulDDJ²² (made most of the fantasy kits)
MeraKits (made some fantasy kits)
gnklein92 (made one fantasy kits set and helped import them)
Arsi_11 (made a lot of the fantasy kits)
conversefutball (made a few of hte fantasy kits)
manuelsuarez00 (made a lot of the fantasy kits)
pol_designs (made a few of the fantasy kits)
FIFER (importing, funding, and organizing)
**Managers Outfits**
Bromley (made some of the manager outfits)
LNMODDER (made some of the manager outfits)
FIFER (importing, funding, and organizing)
gnklein92 (helped import a lot of them)
Riesscar (made a few of the scoreboards)
Ege Öncel (made a few of the scoreboards)
KO (made a lot of the scoreboards)
FifaChoiGoNiYa (made a few of the scoreboards)
FIFER (importing, funding, and orgaizing)
**Menu Themes**
FIFER (made all the menu themes)
gnklein92 (helped import some, and helped with color suggestions)
Dumi Drexel (made both of the background templates)
rosevelt (made some of the backgrouds)
ArchiePerrin (made a lot of the backgrounds)
BetaFreeze (made some of the backgrounds)
SarcasticLondoner (made some of the backgrounds)
FIFER (importing, funding, and organizing)
gnklein92 (helped import lots)
**TV Logos**
Riesscar (made a lot of them)
FIFER (made a couple of them)
**20/21 kits**
Riesscar (made most of the kits)
Bromley (made some of the kits)
XulDDJ (made lots of the kits)
gnklein92 (helped organize and import some kits)
FIFER (helped fund, organize and import some kits)
I want to thank all the support guys of the discord server (https://discord.gg/DJxMEyk) for helping regulate everything, test the mod, help with the mod, helping moderate the server, general advice, and much more. That's:
darth vindictus
I would like to thank Galaxyman2015, Cade, derwangler and benji for their contributions to Frosty Toolsuite.
Finally, a huge huge thanks to all the beta and alpha testers who helped test the mod, and all the patrons who helped fund it! And a big thanks to you, for downloading and playing with the mod!
In partiicular, these individuals deserve praise for the amounts of testing they have done:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\FIFA 20\Data
C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\FIFA 20\Patch
C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\FIFA 20\ModData\patch
然后,删除 CryptBase.dll (located 在 C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\FIFA 20)
2、建议用Bandizip、7Z、WinRAR等压缩软件解压,以免出错!!!如果解压出现错误,可能是下载中出现了文件损坏 ,压缩卷损坏很大几率是下载过程中出现的错误 ,所以只需要重下在下载这个错误的压缩卷。