
时间:2021-06-02 来源 浏览:


Completely revamped ball physics: more roll, more bounce, less floaty effects, less extremely curved balls, more range
Shoulder-to-shoulder speed fights: you can now outpace a defender even shoulder-to-shoulder, since the forward will not stumble when the defender stretches the arm.
Crosses: you can now make decent crosses even while running at high speed, but crosses are “flatter”, so you better use a soft cross in these situations.
New ball control system: players have less control on the ball, allowing for NATURAL mistakes. Players with great ball control really make the difference.
Slighly harder free-kicks: due to the different ball physics, but it’s still pretty easy to adjust to this change and score free kicks, just not every single time.

Tighter lines
Defensive lines playing the offside trap
More Pressing
Weaker weak foot
More fouls
Better defensive readings
More interceptions and 50-50 balls
Slower tempo
Aggressive and improved keepers
More randomness
Difficulty levels are all set free of handicaps, so higher difficulty in general.

Best played with edited Edit Files.

What is changed in the Edit Files?
Highest defensive lines
Defense-Offense distance more compact
Aggressive Pressing
Short distance Support
No switching positions
Aggressive Goalkeepers (when Edit Files are not locked)
Long Range Shot added to all players

2、先下载Baris游戏性加载模块v2.6,将eSim 2.0文件夹复制到\content\gameplay-loader文件夹下,在找到gameplay-mods这个文件,用Excel表格打开即可,将这个补丁的文件名(eSim 2.0)复制到其下即可,如图:

3、通过 Sider 启动游戏,激活它并滚动直到看到 Gameplay Loader 模块,选择您要使用的游戏AI优化补丁即可。



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