PES2014 新特性:TrueBall Tech的介绍与新截图

时间:2013-06-12 来源:游侠论坛 浏览:

  掌控全场从球开始。有了这项技术,你可以利用360度双足控制系统完全地控制球员身体,护球,头敲,胸停,传个空档球或者华丽丽的一脚出球,让你用自己独门技巧甩开对手:只在 PES 2014!你值得拥有~

TrueBall Tech –
  Domination of the field begins with the ball, how you move and how it is used. With TrueBall Tech, you'll have total control of the player's body, with a full 360-degree, two footed control system allowing you to shield the ball from opponents, nod, chest or flick a pass into space and superb first touch control allowing your own skills to set you apart from the competition: only in PES 2014!

<a href= target=_blank class=infotextkey>实况足球2014</a>


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