核武器FMRTE更新了FMRTE v23.2.0.17版本,支持v23.2.0。该版本是未激活版本。
Build 17内容:
Added Experimental Feature (Help Guide here)
Edit competition fixtures home/away team
Edit competition fixtures stadium
Edit competition fixtures substitution rules
Edit competition fixtures result
Edit competition ties
Move teams between competition groups
New experimental feature in competitions page (needs to be enabled in FMRTE Settings)
Tactics tab to nations
Preffered Position and Preferred Role to loan contracts
Indonesian translation (thanks to Nyx)
Deutsch translation
French translation
A bug with move players on loan, where sometimes it was setting a random preffered position/role in the new loan contract
Expiry Date in Contract clauses not being saved
2、如果依旧显示外文版可以点击右上方菜单中的fmrte (下拉按钮),选择SETTING,在Language(语言)下拉菜单中选择简体中文,点击上方的Save Changes(保存改变)保存语言设置;
3、点击上方的载入游戏(Load Game)即可;
4. 核武有风险,可能会让你失去对游戏的兴趣请谨慎使用,此外也存在少量的坏档可能性,因此修改前请记得备份原存档。