FIFA21 球鞋、门将手套和教练球衣解锁补丁

时间:2020-11-24 来源 浏览:
由国外玩家Apex制作的FIFA21 球鞋、门将手套和教练球衣解锁补丁。


Due to the game downloading a new "Assets" file whenever it connects to the EA servers, you MUST do the following two things in order for this mod to work.

1. Delete the current Asstes file. This is located in Documents - FIFA 21 - settings. It will be titled "Assets" followed by a string of characters, for example "Assets20201122210758A". Deleting this file does not cause any damage.

2. After deleting the Assets file, turn off your internet connection before starting FIFA 21.

The manager clothes will always be unlocked, regardless of the above. However, if you don't disable your internet connection, the game will simply redownload the Assets file and the boots and GK gloves WILL NOT be unlocked.

There does not appear to be any way around this. I'll update if/when anything changes, or as my understanding of how this works develops.

2、使用FIFA Mod Manager工具将文件导入到游戏中即可。


更多相关内容请访问:《FIFA 21》专栏

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