FC24 实时外挂工具Live Editor v24.1.1.3

时间:2024-01-21 来源:11player.cc 浏览:633次

由国外大神Aranaktu制作的FC24 外挂工具Live Editor ,这次更新的是v24.1.1.3,这个工具只有一项功能,可让您添加legacy文件并覆盖现有的头像,队徽,球衣文件。

- Added Gameplay Attribulator Editor
- Work with Title Update 7

- Work with Title Update 6

- Added "lua_autorun" folder to "C:\FC 24 Live Editor\mods". You can put there your lua scripts which will be executed when you start the game.
- Added 10 new lua scripts (auto_max_user_team_fitness, auto_max_vpro_fitness, vpro_always_starter and a few more ported from Cheat Table)
- Game "Advanced Launch Options" can be now set in Live Editor settings
- It's now possible to change manager name in already started career save.
- Fixed game crash occurring when loading some large modified legacy files (for example overlays above 2MB).

- Added 7 hidden traits (aka playstyles) to player editor. (Thanks to tokke001)
- Creating job offer will now immediately spawn new offer to your inbox. You don't need to wait a few days till it arrive now.
- It's now possible to generate miniface for VPRO
- It's now possible to import miniface for VPRO (must be 256x256 PNG!)
- Fixed game crashes after saving changes in team editor and proceeding to match

- Fixed game crash on load career save when in-game language is other than English
- Fixed game crash occuring on attempt to loan player with the tool.
- Fixed miniface generator capturing goalkeepers with their team home jersey instead of gk jersey.
- Fixed issue which caused some legacy files not show in "File Browser" (around 100 of them, like youth_scout.ini). Now the number of legacy files found by LE should match with what FIFA Editor Tool show.

- Launcher will now display your game title update.
- Updated bodytypecodes
- Added to Players Editor:
- Other -> Team selection bias
- Other -> Team selection bias position
- Added to Formation Editor:
- Freeze Lineup

- Fixed Perfect Timed Shot
- Added Formation Editor

- Fixes in "vpro_99ovr.lua" script:
- Script shouldn't overwrite player nationality anymore
- Attributes shouldn't reset after training session anymore
- Now you can permanently change player nationality by changing it in player editor

- Added "Potential" column in "Transfer History"
- Fixed "Unsackable"

- Added "Transfer History"
- Added "Transfer Bans"
- Added option to assign playstyles to "vpro_99ovr.lua" script

- Work with Title Update 2

- Fixed Perfect Timed Shot
- Fixed crash when saving changes in team editor (also diabled formation editor and transfer bans for now)

- Added Aerial playstyle to player editor
- Fixed:
- Misc Featrues -> GTN -> Reveal Player Data

- First working version.


更多相关内容请访问:《EA Sports FC24》专栏

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